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Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 5 months ago

Welcome to the SFX Grade 4 Rockhound Wiki!


Rockhound - What I Learned in this Unit


Good Day Grade 4 Science Students


Your task is to enter 5 things that you learned in our Rockhound study into this Wiki on the page with your name on it.


Each entry must have a statement:


I learned that "there are 3 types of rocks."


Entries must have two to three sentences of supporting information. For the example above you might include: The three types of rocks are Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic rock.These types of rocks are found in different parts of the world.


Your completed entry would then look like this:


1. I learned that there are 3 types of rocks. The three types of rocks are Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic rock.These types of rocks are found in different parts of the world.


You also must have an I Still Want to Know entry to complete this assignment. In this entry you will have to list something that you still want to learn about in the study of rocks and the earth. There are thousands of possibilities you could include. After you make your statement you must list where you will go on the Internet to find this information. You would do this by pasting into the wiki page the URL of the web page.


For example:


I still want to know more about Volcanoes. I would go to Volcanoes on Wikipedia to learn more it.



This information will be available for anyone on the Internet to read so it is important that you watch your spelling and writing knowledge as you compose your sentences. Good Luck and have fun.

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